Captain America: The First Avenger | Joe Johnston - VRGyani News


Friday, February 28, 2020

Captain America: The First Avenger | Joe Johnston

Captain America: The First Avenger | Joe Johnston Official Trailer and Screenplay

During World War II, Steve Rogers decides to volunteer in an experiment that transforms his weak body. He must now battle a secret Nazi organisation headed by Johann Schmidt to defend his nation. In this movie; Captain America Recipient of the Super-Soldier serum, World War II hero Steve Rogers fights for American ideals as one of the world's mightiest heroes and the leader of the Avengers.

Run Time:  2h 4m
Rating:  8.9/10

Release Date: 29 July 2011 (India)
Director: Joe Johnston
Produced by‎: ‎Kevin Feige
Production Company‎: ‎Marvel Studios
Distributer : Paramount Pictures
Box office: 37.06 crores USD
Budget: 14 crores USD (2010)
Screenplay: Stephen McFeely, Christopher Markus

Captain America: The First Avenger | Joe Johnston Cast and Crew

  1. Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America
  2. Tommy Lee Jones as Chester Phillips
  3. Hugo Weaving as Johann Schmidt / Red Skull
  4. Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter
  5. Sebastian Stan as James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes
  6. Dominic Cooper as Howard Stark
  7. Neal McDonough as Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan
  8. Derek Luke as Gabe Jones
  9. Stanley Tucci as Abraham Erskine

Captain America: The First Avenger | Joe Johnston Critic Reviews

If you crossed Raiders of the Lost Ark with Hellboy and added a dash of Pearl Harbor and director Joe Johnston's own The Rocketeer, you'd be well on your way to creating this movie. Full review
Betsy Bozdech
Common Sense Media

Didn’t truth, justice and the American Way go out of style back in ’68? And yet here’s Captain America showing up on movie screens in ’11. Full review
Steve McIrvin
Plugged In

America sure knows how to script the best super hero story. So what if it can't hold on to its super power status any longer. Have fun with America's fictional folk lore. Full review
Times of India

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