Why Mahanagar Gas Share Price Is Falling - VRGyani News


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Why Mahanagar Gas Share Price Is Falling

03 April 2024: Mahanagar Gas (MGL) witnessed a significant drop in its share price on March 6, 2024, and there were a few key reasons behind this:

  1. Reduction in CNG Prices: The primary driver of the share price decline was MGL's announcement of a Rs 2.5 per kg reduction in CNG prices in Mumbai and surrounding areas. This move, while beneficial for consumers, can negatively impact MGL's profitability in the short term.
  2. Regulatory Concerns and Margin Pressures: The price reduction by MGL might have sparked concerns among investors about potential future regulatory pressure on gas prices. This could lead to lower profit margins for MGL in the long run.
  3. Analyst Downgrade: Coinciding with the CNG price announcement, some brokerage firms like Citi downgraded MGL's stock from "buy" to "sell." This negative analyst sentiment could have further fueled the share price decline.
  4. Expiry of Infrastructure Exclusivity: In 2021, the exclusivity period for laying and expanding the CGD network in Mumbai and surrounding areas expired for MGL. This could introduce competition in the future, potentially impacting MGL's market share and profitability.

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