Ultimate On Page SEO checklist - VRGyani News


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Ultimate On Page SEO checklist

SEO is optimizing your website in such a way that search engines rank it higher.

Here, I am going to tell you about on page seo checklist. On page SEO is optimizing content and credentials of your website to make it more user-friendly, responsive and easy to navigate both for your audience and search engine bots.

We concentrate mainly on optimizing Website HTML, Architecture and content to improve on-page SEO.

Optimizing Website HTML

People see graphical interface as a website but what about bots? Do they see it same as we see? No. They don’t see pictures, videos or anything on websites except the HTML of your website. Search engine crawlers read the HTML when they visit and index a website. So, optimizing it is essential.

  1. CHECK Title Tags: It must be limited to 60 characters because it is the limit to titles in search algorithms. Create a short title but make sure it is conveying.

  2. CHECK Meta Descriptions: Meta description gives idea of the content on web site. Ensure that your meta descriptions are within limit of 160 characters and includes necessary keywords.

  3. CHECK Headings (H1): Heading of the blog need to be exact keyword match so that bots can rank you higher.

  4. CHECK Subheadings (H2, H3,..): If you want to focus more set of keywords then keep them in subheadings. It will improve your SERPs.

  5. CHECK Keywords: Ensure that you choose highly searched and less competitive keywords long tailed keywords, so that you increase your chances.

Optimizing Website Architecture

Website architecture tells how data, requests is transferred from web site to servers. It is essential to optimize it to provide an easy, secure and fast navigation to the audience. If website is user friendly and serves right and useful information, it is automatically ranked high in SERPs.

  1. CHECK Responsiveness: Your website must be adaptable to various platforms such as laptops, desktops, mobiles, tablets. It enhances the user experience.

  2. CHECK Page Speed: If your webpage take too long to load, your audience will not use it. SO, ensure that your websites loads fast on all platforms. Check if there are huge image files or data files which are making the loading slow. You can use Google Page Speed Insights tool to check speed of your webpage.

  3. CHECK SSL certificate: Search engines prefer secure websites more than normal websites. Websites with SSL certificate gains more user confidence and trust in content. SSL certificate changes your domain from “http” to “https”.

  4. CHECK Url: URL is the identification of your website. To rank higher, use targeted keyword in URL and keep it short and attractive to remember. Avoid using “ _” in urls.

  5. CHECK Sitemap: Sitemap is a file which lists all pages in website and this file is used by users or bots to crawl the website easily.

  6. CHECK Robots.txt: Robots.txt is a file which restricts crawlers from accessing some parts of website or whole website. Make sure that it is in root folder of your website, otherwise it will not work.

Optimize Website Content

Content is King in SEO but only if it is fresh and appropriate. Check following to ensure that the content which you are writing for your website is worth ranking. Copied content is not ranked in search engine results.

  1. CHECK Plagiarism: There is huge content on internet and search engines select most useful content for their searchers. So, if your content is copied from any other website, it may not rank. So, keep your content fresh and original because it works better.

  2. CHECK Keyword targeting: Blogs are where you can target more keyword to get a better ranking in SERP. So, ensure that you are targeting right industry keywords and try to place keyword in first 100 words of blog to rank higher.

  3. CHECK Keyword stuffing: Targeting keywords in blog is a sure shot way to rank high in SERP but if you are placing keywords repeatedly many times in your content which are out of context, it may not work. It is called keyword stuffing not keyword targeting.

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