All You Must Know About Keyword Stuffing - VRGyani News


Saturday, November 2, 2019

All You Must Know About Keyword Stuffing

It would be right to say that Keywords are the life force of your website. After all, they help in maintaining and enhancing the visibility and searchability of your website. Keyword research and usage is a transitional upskilling process that demands time and acumen. Hiring professional SEO services is a wise option but you must acquaint yourself with the dangers of keyword stuffing.

While shortcuts can be tempting, and you can be lured into tactics that could seem to speed up the process of ranking high on search engines. Keyword stuffing happens when you try to overload your online content and meta tags with relative keywords & phrases repetitively or out-of-context. If you’re thinking you can trick search engine giants like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. into ranking your content high on their SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), you might want to backtrack and think for a bit. Because your website is highly likely, to not only rank lower but also encounter search penalty or get blacklisted by such renegade methods!

Numerous marketers and business professionals are known to engage in unethical SEO practices which miserably backfires on them.

The most common unethical Keyword Stuffing practices include:

  1. Unnecessary repetition of keywords and keyphrases.
  2. Forcible addition of keywords resulting in out-of-context content.
  3. Using irrelevant keywords.
  4. Hidden keywords by camouflaging the text colour with the background colour.
  5. Repeated text content in the page’s code, meta-tags, alt attributes, and comment tags.

Why is Keyword stuffing bad for your website?

First and foremost, it provides an awful and unfriendly user-experience: Once your focus rests only on high SERPs ranking, then you’re content caters only for Search engines and not for your customers who are looking for valuable information. Secondly, your website ranking may actually drop or be removed altogether from the organic listings. This has a direct effect on the authenticity of your organisation as online viewers find it difficult to place their trust on you.

We are among the best SEO company in Delhi, that follow ethical practices while efficiently handling SEO processes and not compromising on your brand requirements.

Through years of our expertise and experience in SEO services we give you helpful tips for keyword planning and usage:

Choose unique and target-oriented primary keywords for each page of your website.

Proceed with secondary keywords, long-tail keywords & keyphrases aptly placed within your content. Adding synonyms of the keywords boosts your search rankings.

It is equally important to optimize your keywords according to the right page elements. Include the keyword once, in the following:
  1. Page title in <title> tag
  2. Subheading in <h> tags
  3. Meta-description <meta="description" content="text">
  4. Image alt-tag


Always have a minimum word limit of 300 words or more for your online content. This facilitates content creation that is relevant and educative thus improving audience-interaction. You also get enough space and convenience to include corresponding keywords and keyphrases.

Google SEO guidelines recommend a minimum keyword density of 2%. Exceeding this would spell a disaster for your organic search ranking.

Take help of On-Page SEO Analytics to bring out a strong organic ranking-centric content.
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