How can social media influence education? - VRGyani News


Thursday, March 30, 2023

How can social media influence education?


Internet is everywhere - we hold our bank cards on phones, with a few clicks can summon a taxi and at homework cheating website in the evening is possible to make an order that will be ready in the morning. It is clear that social media has changed everything, from how we socialize, plan for parties and gatherings, and deal with clients, to sending birthday wishes, to how we interact with others. It also has a profound impact on our education and learning. This article is all about social media and how it has changed the education of youth, children, and other internet users.

What type of internet is required for social media?

Most social media activities require browsing to find written content, images and videos. These activities require very little data, so they don't need much internet speed.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), has established that a minimum 1 Mbps internet speed is required to browse social media platforms. However, overall internet speed should not exceed 25 Mbps. This is a small amount considering that most internet plans offer speeds up to 25 Mbps or higher.

How can social media be used to influence education?

Many social media platforms offer many features that facilitate smoother and more direct communication between parents, students, and teachers. Multiple e-learning opportunities are available through social media. Let's explore how social media can be used for education reform.

Broadcast updates and alerts. Students and teachers can communicate using social media platforms such as Facebook. Teachers can set up a Facebook page for students to keep them informed about class progress and lessons. Students can also share their homework assignments for discussion. Even if someone doesn't have Facebook, they can still access Facebook pages.

  1. Stream Lectures. Teachers can create Facebook Groups that are more private than Facebook pages. The teacher can share live lectures on their Facebook class group. Students can then follow along as the lecture airs or later. You can also host discussions and share documents, so that every student has access. Teachers do not need to add students. It is important to keep professional boundaries in place. Instead, they can communicate with their classmates via the class Facebook group.
  2. Message board. The Twitter social media platform is a great tool to use as a messageboard. Teachers can set up a Twitter handle to represent each class and then post updates for students to see. Twitter handles can be used by teachers to remind students about deadlines and provide links for lesson plans or to share inspiring quotes.
  3. Photo Essays. Instagram is the most popular social media platform for sharing and posting photos. This makes it the ideal site to submit photo essays. Instagram is a great resource for students in classes that focus on visual activities and assignments. Students can also use Instagram to encourage digital storytelling.
  4. Blog Writing. There are many social media platforms like SquareSpace, Blogger and Tumblr that can be used to blog. This space can be used by teachers to create a class blog. Students can also create user accounts to comment on class prompts and participate in discussions. Students can also use this space to express their creativity writing skills, which teachers can encourage.
  5. Use blog posts as essays. Blogging pages can also be used to encourage essay writing assignments. These pages can be used to encourage writing and critical thinking by students. To encourage constructive criticism, students can also view and comment on the writing of others.
  6. Pinterest board. Students can also use the Pinterest board to express their creativity. Teachers can save pins that relate to their classes. Teachers can create Pinterest boards to organize and plan resources and lesson plans. Other teachers also share their ideas via worksheets and lessons. Students can use Pinterest to create a digital bibliography for research projects and group assignments. Students can also pin websites, photos, and books they find relevant to class lessons.

These are just a few of the many ways that social media can be used in order to improve students' learning experiences and their education. Although it has some negative side effects, social media can still be used to make positive changes in education marketing.

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